
Do you wish for improvement or healing of physical complaints? Would you like to feel better mentally as well as physically, bring your life back into balance and feel more energy and zest for life? Or are you simply looking for a complementary treatment to support you in your recovery?

Spiritual Healing acknowledges that a human being is a composite being physically and spiritually and therefore aims to support through the help of energies and forces from the world of spirit to maintain or to restore balance and harmony within a living being. The effects of this natural healing method can touch the physical, emotional, mental or even the spiritual levels of a person.

Its main purpose is to spark and encourage the self-healing force which resides within each and every one of us to bring ease, release, comfort, and might even create a different outlook to what a client is going through.

As a medium I am acting as the connection for the healing energies to be chanelled through my energy field, to connect with the energy field of my client to encourage the self-healing process within in order to bring body, mind and soul back into balance.

The following pages will provide you with basic information on the subject of Spiritual Healing and will give you detailed information about the way I work, how and when you can reach me and where I offer treatments. Finally, some testimonials will show you the spectrum of possible applications and effects of Spiritual Healing. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to meeting you personally.

Silvie Büchel Antenucci


Spiritual healing has a long tradition in many different cultures since man has existed. It offers a possibility to bring about an improvement or healing of physical, emotional and mental complaints in a natural way and complements human medicine.

«Mental and spiritual therapies form the most in-depth and cost-effective disease prevention. The task of a spiritual healer is to support the medical system and work together with it in harmony.»

PD Dr. med. Jakob Bösch (*1942), Swiss author and psychiatrist, 10 Theses on Spiritual Healing, 1998

Spiritual healing is a spiritual process that manifests through a cosmic source of energy: the universal creative power to which every human being and every other living being is connected. Spiritual healing uses this source of a higher intelligence with the aim of achieving recovery and healing.

Diagnosis and treatment are the tasks of spirit healers. They reside – like our ancestors – within the spiritual world and are souls with specialised knowledge and were active as healers or doctors during their earthly lifetime. Often specialists in a certain medical field, they have made it their task within this next step of their existence – with their now expanded abilities and possibilities – to continue to serve people seeking help and to pass on healing powers to them via the healing medium. They can recognise the individual needs of the client and decide where and how the healing energies are to be used.

«Spirit healing is by its nature something divine. It springs from a divine source and it therefore takes place with the co-operation of divine agents - our otherworldly guides, helpers and doctors.»

Harry Edwards (1893 – 1976), British Author and Spiritual Healer, Practice of Spiritual Healing. Understanding and Practising Spiritual Healing, 2009

The aim of the healing treatment is to address the triggers of diseases and disorders and not just to remedy their symptoms but to cure the cause. Through the targeted transfer of energy, the client's self-healing powers are activated and relief or healing of organic and/or psychological complaints can be the result.

Spiritual healing sees a human being as a composit being and understands him as a holistic creature consisting of multiple layers, as a whole. It therefore includes the healing of the human being on all energetic levels: the physical, the emotional and the mental level. The flow of energy between these different levels of consciousness is brought into balance. Spiritual Healing can deeply touch and change the person in his spiritual consciousness.

«A person's imagination can affect not only his own body, but even other bodies, even distant bodies. It can enchant and change these (bodies), make them ill or make them well again.»

Ibn Sina, called Avicenna (980 – 1037), Persian physician, philosopher and polymath. In: Klaus-Dieter Platsch: What Heals. The deeper dimensions in the healing process, 2007

The energy transmission is made possible through a medium by an energetic adjustment, a kind of vibrational harmonisation of the energy frequencies between him and the spiritual plane. The medium enters an altered state of consciousness, which lies between the waking consciousness and the sleeping consciousness and enables the spiritual world to get in contact with him and to connect with his energy field (aura).

The medium serves as a mediating channel and transmits the healing energy to the recipient. In this process, the medium makes his or her body and energy field available as a transmitter and does not actively intervene in the process. A healing treatment is therefore always a collaboration between the medium and his or her spiritual healing team and no physical aids are used, everything happens on the purely spiritual level.


Contact healing means the laying on of hands onto the physical body of the recipient during the healing treatment. With the recipient's consent, the hand is gently placed on the discussed area and remains there.

Due to the fact that this process is an energy transfer there is no need to touch the area of the physical pain or illness. In general, the area used for contact healing is the upper part of the back, alongside the spine and shoulder area.

In this process, healing energy is transferred directly to the client through the medium. A often experienced reaction during or after a healing treatment is a deep feeling of peace, comfort and well-being.

  • The energy transmission takes place – clothed while sitting or lying down – via the energy field (aura) of the client – with or without laying on of hands, as desired by the recipient – and therefore does not require direct physical touch. With touch: contact treatment, without touch: distance treatment.
  • A healing treatment session is not a self-contained healing phase, but continues energetically for some time – up to a few days. Therefore, reactions to the treatment may only become apparent later.
  • Spiritual healing is not faith healing, but openness, impartiality and trust can contribute significantly to the success of a treatment. You also do not have to believe in the existence of the spiritual world for healing to work. Your desire for healing is enough.

Spiritual Healing: Contact treatment
in the treatment room including one subsequent absent treatment
CHF 130.- (cash or cash in advance)


If, for any reason, you cannot attend in person at one of the treatment locations, then I am able to offer you the method of Absent Healing.

Absent Healing takes place through the power of thought. Spiritual Healing is a transfer of energy and therefore also works from afar. Regardless of time, place and distance the spirit intelligence – the healing team – is still able to establish a connection with the client and to initiate the transmission of healing energy.

  • The healing principle is the same as in contact treatment and the healing energy flows to where it is needed most. Healing on this level always takes place on a higher energy frequency and works independently of space and time.
  • I need your first and last name and the treatment by me is done remotely, so there is no need to be present in person and there is no need to arrange a common appointment or time for it.
  • Remote treatments can generally be used for all physical and mental ailments, but are particularly recommended for anxiety, skin conditions, infectious diseases, cancer, Parkinson's disease, mental illness and sleep disorders.

Spiritual Healing: Absent Healing for humans and animals
4 treatments within one month
CHF 100.- (advance payment)
For longer treatments duration and price by arrangement


  • Appreciation, respect and absolute discretion are very important to me.
  • I neither make medical diagnoses nor do I make healing promises.
  • I do not see Spiritual Healing as a competitor to classical orthodox medicine, naturopathy and other therapeutic methods, but as an complementary offer. The healing treatment does not replace a visit to the doctor or the taking of medically prescribed medication, but it can support and complement treatment by a doctor or therapist.
  • Babies and small children I treat by means of Absent Healing or by means of contact treatment on the mother as a representative and close caregiver. Children up to 14 years of age I treat by means of Absent Healing. Adolescents over 14 years of age can be treated in the treatment room in the presence of a parent or legal guardian. Animals I treat by means of Absent Healing.
  • Infectious diseases I treat exclusively by means of Absent Healing.
  • I do not treat people who are under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances such as drugs or psychotropic medication.
  • The fee for my efforts is based on the time spent.


  • Registration is required for treatment. Written and telephone appointments are binding.
  • A cancellation for a contact treatment must be received in writing or by telephone at least 48 to 24 hours before the agreed appointment. In the event of late or no cancellation, the treatment appointment will be charged.
  • The costs for curative treatments are to be paid directly on site in cash or as an advance payment.
  • No benefits are provided by health insurance companies.


Contact us in writing
possible at any time: mail@silvie-buechel-antenucci.ch

Contact by telephone
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9.00 – 12.00
Telefon +41 (0)76 430 01 60

Appointments Contact treatment dates to be agreed
Remote treatment always possible
Address place of treatment by arrangement


Please contact us in writing
Possible at any time: mail@silvie-buechel-antenucci.ch

Contact by telephone
Via messenger services: WhatsApp or Signal
Telephone +41 (0)76 430 01 60

86020 Roccavivara/Molise
Appointments Contact treatment dates to be agreed
Remote treatment always possible
Address place of treatment by arrangement


Born in 1964, I have been teaching design theory and practice as an art facilitator for more than 30 years. Through this varied and creative professional activity, I have been able to gain a lot of experience in dealing with people, especially with young adults. My teaching activities have been accompanied and complemented by several years of university studies in the cultural field, which I completed in the late 1990s with a licentiate in Art History, Islamic Studies and Egyptology.

A few years ago, by a twist of fate, I discovered my previously unknown sensitivity and mediumistic gifts. Since then, I have continuously trained and developed these faculties in courses and seminars in Switzerland and England with numerous renowned mediums. My main focus has been the work on various methods of spiritual healing.

Transmitting messages from deceased loved ones to their loved ones – in so-called afterlife contacts – is also one of my trained skills and a wonderful form of healing work. As a medium I not only work as a clairvoyant but also at times will draw spirit portraits which are portraits of your loved ones who are already within the world of spirit.

So far, I have been able to gain a substantial experience as a healing medium with numerous clients on a part-time basis, both with contact healing treatments and with remote healing treatments. I too have already been able to experience a variety of positive changes and results within the work with my clients. My unlimited trust and gratitude goes to my spirit healing team.

I always strive to create the best spiritual conditions for my work as a medium – to become the best channel of healing to people. This includes daily meditation practice and regular further training in mediumship. I also strive to be well-balanced and grounded, the basis for my mental and physical health. I find strength and relaxation in nature and inspiration in art and my own creative activity.

A sense of responsibility, compassion and empathy towards all living beings as well as the desire to share my gifts determine my self-image as a medium.


«Ich litt seit meiner Jugend unter Migräne. Dies in unterschiedlicher Intensität in unregelmäßigen Abständen. Im Sommer 2018 – bei einem persönlichen Gespräch mit Silvie – teilte ich ihr meine Thematik mit der Migräne mit. Sie bot mir eine Kontaktbehandlung an, die mich ansprach und der gegenüber ich sehr offen war.

Seither haben meine Migräneattacken fühlbar und stark abgenommen. Falls es trotzdem wieder mal vorkommt, darf ich mich jederzeit an Silvie wenden, was ich sehr schätze. Sie kann mir mittels Fernbehandlung helfen, was natürlich sehr praktisch ist. Diese sehr positive Erfahrungen würde ich gerne teilen und kann die Behandlung bei Silvie nur bestens empfehlen. Vielen Dank Silvie 💕»

«Since my youth I have suffered from migraines. They happened in various intensity and at irregular intervals. In the summer of 2018 - during a personal conversation with Silvie - I shared my suffering with her. She offered me contact treatment, which appealed to me and to which I was very open.

Since then, my migraine attacks have noticeably and strongly decreased. I was told to contact Silvie at any time, should it be the case that it still happens again, which I appreciate very much. She can help me by means of remote treatment, which is of course very practical. I would like to share this very positive experience and can only highly recommend the treatment with Silvie. Thank you very much Silvie 💕»

S. A. | Switzerland
«Ich kenne Silvie Büchel schon lange aus meinem beruflichen Umfeld. Wir hatten eine gemeinsame und für mich sehr eindrückliche und wichtige Erfahrung, von welcher ich hier gerne berichten möchte. In Gesprächen mit Silvie durfte ich erfahren, dass sie in grosser Konzentration und durch Training ihrer persönlichen Kräfte und Energien Heilung vermitteln kann.

Im Vertrauen bat ich sie, einem jungen Menschen zu helfen, der unter einer psychischen Krankheit leidet. Seine Situation spitzte sich dramatisch zu. Auch in der Psychiatrischen Klinik konnte ihm nicht geholfen werden, im Gegenteil, die Angstzustände wurden immer extremer. So bat ich Silvie um Unterstützung. Mit ihren Gedanken und Energien hat sie sich mit der kranken Person in Verbindung gesetzt. Dies gelang ihr, obwohl sie nie mit ihr persönlichen Kontakt hatte. Mit Silvies Hilfe konnte die jugendliche Person im Leben wieder Stabilität gewinnen, aktiv Hilfe holen und ist jetzt seit längerem gut unterwegs, beruflich und privat.

Ich persönlich fände es eine Chance für die heutige Medizin, wenn die Fachpersonen verschiedener Richtungen vermehrt zusammenarbeiten würden. So könnten sich die Alternativmedizin und die Schulmedizin bestens ergänzen! Wissenschaftlich nicht messbare Kräfte der Natur oder des «geistigen Universums» wirken auf uns und unsere Umwelt, da bin ich mir sicher – manchmal können wir sie empfinden oder erahnen.

Es gibt Menschen, die erfahren, dass sie als Medium mit diesen Energien arbeiten könnten. Silvie hat sich mit ihren Fähigkeiten, die sie vor ein paar Jahren erkennen durfte, seit längerem intensiv auseinandergesetzt. Sie weiss um das Potential und auch um die Grenzen ihrer geistigen Möglichkeiten. Ich wünsche ihr auf ihrem Weg alles Gute!»

«I have known Silvie Büchel for a long time from my professional environment. We had a very impressive and important experience together, which I would like to tell you about here. In conversations with Silvie I was able to experience that she can conduct healing through great concentration and by training her personal powers and energies.

In trust, I asked her to help a young person suffering from a mental illness. His situation got dramatically worse. Even in the psychiatric clinic he could not be helped, on the contrary, the anxiety got more and more extreme. So, I asked Silvie for support. With her thoughts and energies she contacted the sick person. She succeeded in this, although she had never had any personal contact. With Silvie's help, the young person was able to regain stability in life, actively seek help and has now been doing well for some time, both professionally and privately.

Personally, I think it would be an opportunity for today's medicine if specialists from different disciplines would work together more. In this way, alternative medicine and conventional medicine could complement each other perfectly! I am sure that forces of nature or the "spiritual universe" that cannot be measured scientifically have an effect on us and our environment - sometimes we can feel or sense them.

There are people who experience that they could work with these energies as a medium. Silvie for quite some time has been focusing herself intensively upon her abilities, which she was allowed to recognise a few years ago. She knows about the potential and also about the limits of her spiritual possibilities. I wish her all the best on her path!»

R. Flury | Switzerland
«Mein Mann war während langer Zeit sehr schwer krank, er wurde immer schwächer und passiver und konnte schliesslich das Haus nicht mehr verlassen. Dank einiger Fernbehandlungen durch Silvie änderte sich das, er hatte plötzlich wieder Energie, was uns erlaubte, vor seinem Tod noch einiges gemeinsam zu unternehmen.»

«My husband was very ill for a long time, he became weaker and more passive and finally could no longer leave the house. Thanks to some remote treatments by Silvie, this changed, he suddenly found his energy again, which allowed us to do some things together before he died.»

Margrit H. | Switzerland
«Ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege nochmals herzlich bei ihnen Frau Antenucci bedanken. Nach der ersten Kontaktbehandlung und den folgenden Fernbehandlungen waren meine Schmerzen deutlich weniger, obwohl ich im Vorfeld nicht daran geglaubt habe. Das Brennen durch den Morbus Scheuermann im Brustwirbelbereich und die Schmerzen durch die Bandscheibenvorfälle sind wirklich gelindert worden. Ich konnte die letzten zwei Jahre im Reifendienst durcharbeiten. Ich hoffe, dass Sie Zeit finden, um mich nochmals zu behandeln. Ihren Rat, zusätzlich noch die Rückenmuskulatur zu stärken, habe ich beibehalten, auch das war vor den Sitzungen nicht möglich. Vielen lieben Dank für ihre schnelle Hilfe Frau Antenucci.»

«I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again, Mrs Antenucci. After the first contact treatment and the following remote treatments, my pain was significantly less, although I did not believe in it beforehand. The burning caused by Scheuermann's disease in the thoracic vertebrae and the pain caused by the herniated discs have really been alleviated. The last two years I have been able to continuously work in tyre service without any further interruption. I hope you will find time to treat me again. I have kept your advice to additionally strengthen the back muscles, this was also not possible before the sessions. Thank you very much for your quick help Mrs Antenucci.»

Max P. | Germany
«Ho conosciuto Silvie grazie a mio marito e al suo lavoro. E’ stata lei ad avvicinarci al mondo dello Spiritual Healing.

Mio marito aveva perso la mamma da poco tempo e Silvie è riuscita a metterlo in contatto con lei e suo fratello anche lui deceduto da un po’ di anni. Silvie con la sua attività ci ha aiutati in tantissime occasioni: ha aiutato Diego a guarire dal cancro. Dopo avermi vista disperata per la sorte di due giovani che hanno l’età delle mie ragazze, le ha aiutate a guarire dal cancro, nonostante fossero distanti e non le conoscesse.

E’ stata un grande aiuto anche con la mia mamma, ormai anziana e piena di acciacchi e patologie, con i suoi healings le ha dato sollievo, le ha fatto sentire meno dolore.

Grazie all’aiuto di Silvie, anche David di Chicago è riuscito a venir fuori da un brutto momento … un infarto gli stava stroncando la vita ma è riuscito a superare il peggio grazie all’aiuto di Silvie.

Consiglio vivamente di contattare Silvie nei momenti di difficoltà per ottenere un valido aiuto nella risoluzione dei problemi di salute e anche spirituali. La sua determinazione e costanza possono fare davvero la differenza.»

I met Silvie through my husband and his work. She introduced us to the world of Spiritual Healing.

My husband recently lost his mother and Silvie was able to establish a mediumistic contact for him with her and his brother, who had already been dead for some years. Silvie has helped us with her work on many occasions: She supported Diego in his healing from his cancer. After seeing me distraught over the fate of two young girls the age of my own daughters, she was able to help them recover from cancer even though she was far away from them and she did not know them.

She was also a great help to my mother, who is now elderly and full of ailments and illnesses. With her contact treatments she was able to give her relief so that she has less pain.

Thanks to Silvie's help, even David in Chicago managed to get through a difficult moment... a heart attack had threatened his life, but he finally got through the worst also thanks to Silvie's help.

I highly recommend contacting Silvie in difficult times to get valuable help in resolving physical but also psychological problems. Her determination and perseverance can really make the difference.

Tiziana Di Lisa | Italy

«We are thankful to all our friends and connections around the world. In August 2020 our healthy friend David’s heart stopped for 5 perilous minutes. After being rushed to hospital and medical intervention the doctors mentioned he would not make it as many of his organs began to fail.

We reached out to everyone we knew and began working on the power of prayer and healing. Within one week he began to respond to treatment – his organs started to work again and slowly he got stronger. After 3 weeks he came out of coma and started speaking, then walking. He returned home to his family after 5 weeks.

He has made a remarkable recovery and we are convinced the global network we established in prayer got him to this destination. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and healing support. Dave is only 58 years old and has a lot more life to live!»

Ann | USA

«Actuellement Silvie effectue un travail de guérison spirituelle sur ma sœur et je voudrais témoigner d'un résultat très positif sur celle ci. Ma sœur est atteinte d'un cancer du haut de la colonne vertébrale très avancé et depuis quelque temps elle ne voulait plus s’échanger avec sa famille et souffrait de douleurs aiguës. Elle ne peut plus marcher et n'a que son bras et main droite qui fonctionne correctement.

Elle était très déprimée et ne supportait même plus l'équipe qui s'occupe d'elle pour les soins palliatifs. Cela va faire presque un mois que Silvie travaille sur la guérison de ma soeur et le résultat aujourd'hui est impressionnant. Ma sœur a repris contact avec nous sa famille et à retrouvé un état d'esprit positif et ses douleurs la font beaucoup moins souffrir.

Aujourd'hui elle rêve chaque nuit qu'elle remarche, je suis impressionné par l'évolution très positive de ma sœur et remercie Silvie pour le merveilleux travail qu'elle effectue sur ma sœur.»

Silvie is currently doing spiritual healing work on my sister and I would like to testify how positive the results are. My sister has cancer of the upper spine which is very advanced and for some time she has not wanted to interact with her family and has been in severe pain. She can no longer walk and only has her right arm and hand working properly.

She was very depressed and could not even stand the palliative care team. Silvie has been working on my sister's recovery for almost a month now and the results are impressive. My sister has regained contact with her family and is in a positive frame of mind and her pain is much less.

Today she dreams every night that she is walking again, I am impressed by the very positive evolution of my sister and thank Silvie for the wonderful work she is doing on my sister.

Najib Reghay | Morocco

«Silvie Büchel ist in ihrem Wesen verbunden und verwandt mit dem Einen, das allem, was entstanden ist und weiter entsteht, zu Grunde liegt. Hier nimmt ihr Wirken seinen Ursprung.

Diese seltene Gabe verwaltet sie – nicht zu ihrer Ehre oder ihrem Vorteil –, sondern zum Wohle der Menschen, die Hilfe suchen. Ihre Verbindung zu heilenden Kräften sieht sie nicht als ihren Verdienst an, sondern als ein Geschenk, das sie in Konzentration und Meditation empfängt und weitergibt. Ich vertraue Silvie Büchel und danke ihr für mehrfache Unterstützung und Hilfe

«Silvie Büchel is connected in her being and related to the One that underlies everything that has come into being and continues to come into being. This is where her work takes its origin.

She manages this rare gift - not for her own gain or honour - but for the benefit of people seeking help. She does not see her connection to healing forces as her merit, but as a gift that she receives and passes on in concentration and meditation. I trust Silvie Büchel and thank her for multiple support and help

Marianne Flury | Switzerland


Silvie Büchel Antenucci
Spiritual Healing - healing through spirit

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Silvie Büchel Antenucci 2024